
Who are the members of the Best European Learning Materials Award Jury?

Jean-Claude Lasnier

Jean-Claude Lasnier, former Head of the French CCI Language training centres network, Council of Europe Expert in the fields of languages and quality assurance in education, chairman of the Jury

Péter Bagoly-Simó

Péter Bagoly-Simó , Prof. Dr. Dr., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin (Germany)

Christoph Bläsi

Christoph Bläsi, Prof. Dr., Gutenberg Institute for World Literature and Written Media / Book Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz (Germany)

Helga Holtkamp

Helga Holtkamp, Director of the EEPG, independent educational publishing consultant and e-learning expert, Berlin (Germany)

Diana Kali

Diana Kali, publisher, academic editor (Copenhagen, Denmark); MSc International Publishing Management (Stirling, United Kingdom); MA Teaching Hungarian as a Foreign Language (Budapest, Hungary)

Eva Maagerø

Eva Maagerø, Professor, Vestfold University College, Tønsberg (Norway)

James McCall

James McCall, formerly Principal Consultant in International Publishing, Edinburgh Napier University, adviser to OUP China and consultant to the European Union textbook project, Tajikistan

Zuzana Sikorova

Zuzana Sikorová, Associate Prof. Dr. University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, researcher in textbooks and educational media, teacher educator, head of the Centre of Educational Research.